K-Series offers unrivalled capabilities and service, providing full protection to all relevant cooking appliances and extract canopies, as well as uniquely enabling extended duct work protection from canopy through to the building extraction unit. The systems are electronically controlled with no mechanical moving parts. Installations comprise of one or a number of stainless steel cylinders, each containing a highly effective F class wet chemical liquid designed specifically for fast flame knock down and fire suppression.
The low, near neutral pH value of the liquids ensures that there is no damage to the commercial kitchen appliances, and as a direct consequence of the efficiency of K-Series in limiting the volume of liquid required to control the situation, there is minimal cleanup requirements following discharge.

Maintaining the individuality of the premises is often a critical part of a restaurants brand identity. Often this requirement is based on the practicalities of the site and on the ‘look’ required. Manufactured in stainless steel the Nobel K-Series systems are designed to meet all the aesthetic qualities required as well as being fitted quickly and efficiently by Nobel Fire Systems installation teams. Aesthetic appearances play a key role in the design of all pipework and nozzles.

Nobel K-Series benefits:
- A tailored protection package to meet individual needs
- The greatest fire protection possible, with extended ductwork protection
- Seamless integration and flexibility
- Reliability and control
- Clean and hygienic components
- Longevity and serviceability
- Value for money
- Potential insurance savings

Nobel are BAFE SP206 certified
We also consider the strict hygiene requirements of commercial kitchens as well as the key functionality needs. That’s why major names in the industry such as Greene King, KFC, Jamie Oliver and The Fat Duck have had Nobel K-Series installed in their kitchens.
It’s also why the leading UK insurance company, Allianz has chosen Nobel Fire Systems as its preferred systems provider for kitchen fire suppression systems.
Every system is designed following a comprehensive risk assessment taking into account the requirement of successful fire suppression and a client’s interruption potential.
The K-Series is designed to British and European standards and is manufactured to ISO 9001:2015. It conforms to BS EN 17446 and also meets the requirements of BS 5839 EN54; BS 7273; NFPA 17a and is CE marked.
The system has been tested and approved by LPCB to LPS1223 and by DNV to ISO 15371:2015 and is type approved by M.C.A, ABS and DNV-GL