
The Nobel K-Series wet chemical Suppression System is one of Europe’s premier kitchen and galley fire suppression systems. The wet...

Condensed Aerosol

Stat-X is an innovative, self-contained, environmentally friendly suppression system, proven to be extremely effective in use across a wide range...

Gas Suppression

Nobel Fire Systems provides the design, installation and servicing of a full range of gaseous fire suppression systems. The risk...

Spark Detection

Seldom does a new player enter a market armed with a combination of superior product quality and better economics, but...

Water Mist

Nobel Fire Systems offer the full range of watermist fire suppression systems, a highly effective alternative to fire sprinkler systems....

Oxygen Reduction

Nobel Fire Systems have teamed up with Isolcell to offer the market leading oxygen reduction fire prevention system, N2 FireFighter®....


The Nobel range of foam fire suppression systems facilitates modular, self contained local application systems designed to fight fires at...

Dry Chemical

Nobel dry chemical fire suppression systems offer a range of fixed and portable dry chemical powder fire extinguisher systems to...

Li-ion Tamer

Detect off gas and prevent thermal runaway. Lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries are key to utility-scale, Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESSs). They...