What is Stat-X

Next generation Vehicle Fire Suppression Systems

Stat-X is an innovative, cost-effective and ecologically safe solution for rapid fire extinguishing and protection of all high value enclosures. The systems offer advanced methods for protecting more challenging applications and are especially suitable for all vehicle related applications.

As proof of its global acceptance in this critical area of fire suppression, Stat-X has undergone extensive testing with the US military for use on their vehicles , and has been tested to the Swedish Bus fire system standard SBF128:1. Operationally, there are over 1,000 buses protected in New Zealand and Singapore to date. In addition to these vehicle specific approvals and testing, Stat-X is the only fire system of this type to be tested and approved to UL, the most trusted source across the globe for testing and product compliance.

While the objective must always be to save lives and property, Stat-X is an innovative fire protection system that offers more. It combines science and economics. The result is a superior, environmentally friendly fire suppressant that allows easier and more cost-effective installations that require no pipework or nozzles – units are simply fixed directly on or in the risk area being protected.

All Stat-X systems offer significant weight and space savings. On an agent weight basis, the systems are ten times more effective than gaseous agent alternatives. Units are environmentally friendly with zero ozone depletion and zero global warming potential. Specially developed components and highly effective detection devices for rapid agent application combine with the environmental qualities to provide the most effective vehicle fire suppression systems available.

Units can be electrically, thermally or manually activated, are extremely compact, and totally eliminate the need for expensive pressure vessels, nozzles and distribution piping or tubing normally associated with other fire suppression systems.


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Stat-X Control Panels

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