
A Note from our MD….
Hello and Welcome to our newsletter,

First of all I would like to thank all customers and colleagues for the outstanding support which has led to the continued success of Nobel Fire Systems. This success has resulted in us out-growing our current premises and moving to a larger facility, which has been purpose built to meet our continuing needs. This is excellent news, as it now enables us to provide an even more efficient service thanks to the enhanced office and warehouse layout.

We also received some good news in the form of independent testing recently, gaining LPS 1223 approval with the British Research Establishment. Coupled to this we’re forging ahead with further worldwide approvals to enhance the appeal to a greater range of applications and countries.

We never stand still and we’ve increased our product offering as well by adding N2 Firefighter, which acts to reduce Oxygen levels in a risk to a level where combustion just can’t take place but is still safe for populated areas. This presents great alternatives to traditional reactive systems that wait for fires to occur before suppressing a fire.

As for projects, we go from strength to strength, we’ve secured and completed some high profile cases in the last few months, namely the Oblix restaurant on the 32nd floor of The Shard, and a contract with Caprice Holdings for many London restaurants including the famous ‘Ivy’, ‘La Caprice’ and ‘J Sheekey’ frequented by many major celebrities. We are extremely proud of our associations and partnerships within our chosen industry and look forward to strengthening those bonds and creating new exciting relationships.

Finally, we are only as good as our staff. Therefore to bolster our team and support growth we’ve recruited additional key people since the start of the year. We welcome Caroll Wrench as Sales Manager for North West, Noel Doyle Sales Manager South, Gillian Ashworth in Marketing and Sales support, Louise Entwistle to our Service and Small works team and Anthony Sloan to run our warehousing and stock control. An exciting injection of pace and focus which continues the momentum for our growth and success.

Ian Bartle, MD