Catering - Case Study
Trafford Centre
Nobel Fire Systems has fitted its K-Series fire suppression system in the kitchens of numerous restaurants in Manchester’s Trafford Centre. Each year, this incredibly busy shopping centre welcomes over 30 million visitors onto its site, so it’s easy to see why special care and attention to the issue of fire protection was carefully considered.
There’s no doubt that all commercial kitchens pose unique fire risks, gathering large numbers of people at one time while also engaging in cooking activities that inherently pose the risk of fire. The restaurants all now have the assurance that the Nobel K-Series will continue to give full protection to all cooking equipment and critically for the insurers also have extended duct work protection to ensure a fire in one premise does not potentially spread to other sites or parts of the building structure.
The restaurants have been fitted with Nobel’s market leading K-Series system. An important factor for the commissioning team was that the K-Series system provided an extensive, fully monitored protection package to roof level, which also met all the important aesthetic qualities required by the restaurants.
Another positive as far as the commissioning team was concerned was the fact that the chosen fire suppression system could be fitted quickly and efficiently by one of Nobel Fire Systems installation teams resulting in minimum disruption and downtime.