The Association of Insurance Surveyors Limited

AiS is a respected body of individual risk control and reduction experts working in the insurance market throughout the UK. The Association hosts regular lectures that help provide continuous improvement in the skills and knowledge of its members.

At a recent lecture given at BT Redcare offices in London, Ian Bartle, Managing Director of Nobel Fire Systems Ltd gave his views on the subject of Localised Fire Suppression.

The presentation covered the types of “Local Application” fire suppression systems that can be used to supplement or in lieu of total flooding agents or sprinklers. Bartle examined the types of systems available, their uses and implementation, their advantages and limitations.

This result was a comprehensive round up of available systems on the market that put into context their individual efficiency in different locations. As Bartle explained, by their nature, local application systems tend to be modular and relatively self contained and therefore present real options for cost saving while also having the added value of fighting fires at source.

With over 26 years in the fire industry including time at other leading  international fire protection organisations, Bartle’s vast experience ranges from sales and installation through to design and manufacture of fire systems. It was this experience plus an ability to deliver information in a dynamic and compelling presentation that made him an automatic choice for the AiS lecture.